May 3Liked by Ben Williams

Thank you for sharing, Ben. It's a great reminder to pick up our heads and focus on what's most important.

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May 1Liked by Ben Williams


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Apr 26Liked by Ben Williams

I'm sorry to hear that and hope your eldest son will feel better soon. We all support you and wish you the best!

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Apr 26Liked by Ben Williams

Thank you for sharing your post. Never easy but a reminder that pressures come from more than work. It's frustrating how hard it is to get diagnosis esp post covid for teens. And nigh on impossible for adults.

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Apr 26Liked by Ben Williams

I admire your decision to share your personal story. It will help people to raise awareness and to have people in the same situation feel less alone. Being a parent is by far the hardest job we have and the most satisfying in the same time. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you for having the courage to share such a deeply personal and vulnerable story with all of us. As a parent myself, I can't imagine how difficult the last few months must have been for you and your family.

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