šŸ‘“ Personal update / Reforge giveaway winner šŸŽ‰

What's been keeping me busy

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man standing on glass wall with pouring water

Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway!

Before I get to the announcement of who is the lucky winner, I want to say a massive thanks to you all for your ongoing support.

Whether itā€™s your words of gratitude and appreciation, your comments on my posts, your likes, restacks and shares of my work - it all makes a bigger difference than you know.

Iā€™m going to share something with you that has been hard for me to talk about.

The past few months have been - to say the least - challenging on the personal front.

Our eldest child has been suffering with anxiety, manifesting in severe OCD.

Heā€™s just seven years old.

Itā€™s absolutely heartbreaking to see your child struggling with something like this, and frustrating to not have answers at hand to be able to help him.

As an advisor, Iā€™m used to being able to apply all my knowledge and experience to any given product, growth or go-to-market challenge. Yet here Iā€™ve felt completely out of my depth. Iā€™ve felt lost, helpless, and often, quite frankly, useless.

And throughout this, my wife and I have suspected thereā€™s been more to it than just anxiety.

For the last month he has been undergoing an assessment by a team of clinical psychologists and occupational therapists, and today, just a couple of hours ago, weā€™ve had confirmation of a dual diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

We have been doing everything we possibly can to support him, and his younger sister - who is absolutely affected by everything thatā€™s going on - while trying to learn everything we can about autism, ADHD, OCD and various other subjects related to childrenā€™s mental health.

Iā€™ve lost count of the times Iā€™ve felt that Iā€™ve failed my kids and family throughout this.

At times, Iā€™ve been overwhelmed with guilt over it all.

Weā€™ve all shed a lot of tears.

Yet there have been amazing moments too. Over the recent school break he and I spent a lot of time together learning how to solve the Rubiks cube. We both learnt to do it, but already he can solve a cube much faster than I can, and heā€™s decided that ā€˜when he grows upā€™ he wants to be a speed cuber and become the next CEO of ā€˜The Cubicleā€™.

Weā€™ve become closer as a family because of everything thatā€™s been happening, and for that Iā€™m grateful, despite how difficult itā€™s been, and continues to be.

As parents, we canā€™t give up, however hard it gets. We try to fill their lives with as much joy and love as we can. Every day, weā€™re trying to find ways to make things feel more normal. But ultimately our normal is going to be quite different to families with neurotypical kids. And thatā€™s OK. Thatā€™s just us.

Now we have a formal diagnosis I feel some comfort and relief. It will hopefully feel like less of a guessing game trying to understand things, and weā€™ll be better able to access support for him, and for our family.

By nature Iā€™m a deeply private person, and itā€™s unlike me to share something so personal, even with people Iā€™m close with. As I started writing about our situation, I was still undecided whether Iā€™d include it in this post. But just getting all of this out of my head and down on the page has helped me.

And youā€™re reading this now because as I contemplated, I was reminded of how alone Iā€™ve felt in the past few months trying to wrap my head around everything thatā€™s been going on while searching for, trying, and more often than not failing with ways to help him and our family better manage the situation.

If this post helps just one person, now or any time in the future feel just a little bit better about a similar situation they might be going through, then it will be worth me putting it out there.

With love and thanks to you all for the support and added motivation that gets me writing, even when I really donā€™t feel like writing.

Ben šŸ«¶

OK, back to business, and without further adoā€¦.

Iā€™m happy to announce the winner of the latest PLGeek x Reforge giveaway!

Congratulations toā€¦..

ā€¦.. šŸ„

Vishal Rewari šŸŽ‰

Everyone not quite as lucky as Vishal, thank you still for your entries, and stay tuned for more giveaways in the future!

Until next time!

This post was presented by Zeda.io.


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